Charles Software Apps

Configuration 1.0
A simple application that displays and savesyour devices configuration, used for developers to find out whattheir testers devices are running etc.Saves configuration under /Configuration/config.txt
Tap keyboard (morse code) 0.2
This is a morse code keyboard.If all you wanna do is impress your friends by saying you knowmorse code then just type in "dot dot dot, arrow thingie, dash dashdash, arrow thingie, dot dot dot, arrow thingie"If you really wanna use this, don't, just google morse codetable or if you are to lazy click here or if your really lazyclick here application is based of Gmail Tap, the fastest keyboard inthe world.To use this keyboard go to Settings > Language & Keyboard> Android Tap, check this box and then you will be using AndroidTap, take note of the keyboard that was checked before so you cango back to it the same way.This application over the next few weeks will get a whole lotbetter, saying this on the 8th of April, 2012.To come:- Sound on key press- Ability to use a "cheat sheet"- manually change key combinations- manually add key combinations- ICS look (optional)Change log:v2:- added vibrate- fixed bug(when char wasn't there)- made two buttons largerv1:- initial version, coded in code lounge, organized
Word Clock 0.3
This is a simple application which displaysthetime in words, this is the first release and there will bemore, inthe next release I will have a Live wallpaper and possiblytheability to customize the clockSorry about the spelling error on quarter. Thanks Jack,illupdate in a few days